Advertising/Marketing (Insurance)
Digital campaign for US Hispanic market
Linguistic validation, cultural & linguistic consulting, translation, editing, adaptation (transcreation), localization, desktop publishing, QA testing, translation memory management
Full website
Approximately 1 year
After generating success with their English customer education website, a national insurance company (the Client) wanted to bring the same type of educational and marketing campaign about their products tailored to the US Hispanic market. A full-service advertising agency (the Agency), partnered with Paragon, the Client’s trusted experts in translation/adaptation and language to help deliver the campaign. After developing the creative concept and two unique web pages for the Client’s new Spanish-language website, the Agency turned the project over to Paragon.
After a positive response from a customer education campaign, which taught existing and potential customers about the different types of products the Client offers, they determined that a similar campaign in Spanish would be the best way to reach the burgeoning Hispanic consumer base in the US. The Client had relied on Paragon’s translation services in the past; however, these translations were always done piecemeal over many years, without conforming to a predetermined style or register of language. This meant that the existing Spanish language content that the Client had was disjointed, and the company decided to create a fresh, more cohesive, campaign.
The Agency developed the “brand” and creative concept and two web pages for the campaign. We were then tasked with adapting the rest of the webpages from the Client’s product education section and other English content from their site into Spanish, all while maintaining the underlying creative message of the campaign developed by the Agency. Paragon edited this content by leveraging our translation memory (TM) of past Client projects. This TM was key to familiarize the Agency with the Client’s approved terminology and translations. Having this TM allowed us to make sure that new terminology created by the Agency or new translations created by Paragon remained consistent with past Client projects. With the TM and creative concept developed by the Agency, Paragon’s linguists went to work translating and adapting the entire Client site into Spanish.