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  • Interpreting

    On-site or remote — We have you covered

    Paragon's network includes interpreters who are certified at the highest levels available for their language of specialization, including certifications by the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. District Court, and various state courts and jurisdictions, as well as by the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) and the United Nations. 

    We assign interpreters who know your industry or discipline, and who will convey every nuance and detail of your spoken message in the same manner that you deliver it. Our services are available for:​​​​​ trials, arbitrations, ​​​​depositions, business meetings, conferences, healthcare, manufacturing and marketing tours, negotiations, simulcast radio and TV,  trade shows, and foreign language voice talent for voice-overs and dubbing.

    let us know your needs

    On-site & In-Person services

    • Simultaneous Interpreting 
    • Consecutive Interpreting 

    remote services

      • Remote Interpreting or Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
      • Over-the-Phone Interpreting (OPI)​​​​​​
        See a case study on how OPI technology improves communication.

      We will ensure that your critical communication is understood — in any language.

      Should you have any questions, contact us or get started today by requesting a quote!

      Contact us for more information!
