Christmas/National Thank You Note Day

Christmas has become not just a religious holiday, but for many also a secular celebration. Christmas is often celebrated with a gift exchange, decorations, towering trees, a holiday feast, and, of course, family.

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and is central to Christians the world over. For some, it is just another reason to gather with friends and family for a special occasion. This holiday reminds us of the many reasons why we should be thankful, even those who may not celebrate it as a religious event. Many people are, for example, unaware that the day after Christmas, December 26, is National Thank You Note Day. And in England, and most British Commonwealth countries it is Boxing Day!

The traditional focus of Boxing day is to give out gifts of appreciation to employees and others who have served or helped you throughout the previous year – and gifts were originally given in boxes.

National Thank You Note Day is the perfect opportunity to send a letter or a kind message expressing gratitude to those we love or those who have touched our lives in special ways. Although we are bit early, we’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our clients, friends, family, and employees for helping Paragon to become the company it is today. Happy holidays and have a wonderful new year!

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